Sunday, October 11, 2015

3 Men of Faith

Once upon a time there were 3 men. They all had their idea of the type of church they want to go to.

The first man said, “I will go to the church built out of straw because I don't know how long I will be here. If something would happen to the church it's not a big deal to me. I know I need to go to church, so I will go on special days, like Christmas and Easter.”

The second man said, “I will go to the church built out of sticks. I want a church that is fairly strong, but not so strong that it is going to tell me how to live. I can decide myself what is right or wrong. If the people of the church cared about me, they would accept me, and adapt to my life style instead of expecting me to change based on what the Bible says.”

Both of these men would get together on Sunday and complain about the things they didn't have and dream about having more money and bigger houses.

The third man said, “I will go to a church built out of bricks. I want one that has God as it's foundation and will stand on God's Word as the world tries to tell people that morals are decided by the individual, and not based on God's Word. A church that will teach us that we should love others, but that doesn't mean we have to compromise our beliefs to not offend others. One who can get together with others after Sunday morning church for lunch and be greatful God has given them what they have.”

They had a children's revival at the park bringing different churches together on a Saturday night. Each man felt they needed to attend since they had children in the program.. The sermon they heard was on I Peter 5:8. “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” The devil was there trying to find ways to distract the three men so they wouldn't hear the sermon and learn some of the ways the devil works.

The devil whispered in the first mans ear, “You don't need to hear this, there are other things you want to be doing.” So, the man took out his phone and would get online and check out who was favored to win the ball game that was on the next day. He heard the Word, but it was like it fell on stony ground and didn't stay in the man's heart.

The devil then went to the second man and whispered in his ear, “They are telling you the morals they want you to live by based on the book they read. If you want to go get drunk and flirt with the waitress you should be able to without someone else saying you can't do it. It's your body, your life, your choice. Besides, if you do something wrong, you can always go ask forgiveness of the one they call God. He is love and has to forgive you. He knows you, even if I really don't know Him.” He heard the words, but it was like it fell among thorns. He would justify his views based on how he felt instead of what God's Word said.

The devil was feeling proud of his progress and went to the third man. The devil whispered in the man's ear, but it didn't distract him. It was like the words he was hearing was falling on good soil and the more he heard, it was taking root and growing. So, the devil got louder saying he was going to blow the mans life apart. The devil would tell him, “You deserve to have more money to provide for your family better. What God gives you is not enough for all you do.” The man still didn't budge. So, the devil would scream in the third mans ear, “Look at the man over there, he has talked about you behind your back. And the lady over there, she is going to the same heaven you are, even though she just made Christ her savior last week and you have been working for God's kingdom for years. It's not fair.”
The alter call time came and the third man could feel that the devil was trying to take his joy and love away. So, he went up to the alter and prayed for God's strength. He then asked to speak to the church and told everyone that the devil was there trying to prevent God's Word from doing anything. He shouted to the devil saying, “I rebuke you, you can't have any part of my life. It belongs to God.” So, the devil fled from the building.

The first and second man saw the third man's faith and realized they have been missing something from their life. So, they went to the alter and accepted Christ as their Savior. Now all 3 men are going to the same church and actively working to spread the Gospel of Christ to others.

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